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Title: Setup IT And Asset Management System With GLPI On Centos 6(Ticketing tool)
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Introduction   GLPI is the Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface. You can use it to build up a ...



GLPI is the Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface. You can use it to build up a database with an inventory for your company. It has enhanced functions to make the daily life for the administrators easier, like a job-tracking-system with mail-notification and methods to build a database with basic information about your network-topology.


GLPI has the following features.


*Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers etc.
* Management of issues on many environments through creation of tickets, management of tickets, assignment, tickets scheduling, etc.
* Licenses management (ITIL compliant).
* Assignment of equipment by geographical area to users and groups.
* Management of business and financial information (purchase, guarantee and extension, damping). 
*Management of applications for assistance of all types of equipment inventory.

* Interface to allow the user to file a support ticket. Business management, contracts, documents related to inventory items.
* Equipment booking.
* FAQ Management.
* Report generator for hardware, network or interventions.Multi-language support including 41 languages available.

Configuration Of GLPI Server


GLPI Server System Details- Operating System- Centos-6.6
RequiredPackages- Apache (httpd), php-mysql, php-mbstring, mysql-server, mysql-devel
Server IP-    192.168.
Server Hostname- server.

First of all, we have to set the host-name of glpi server.

Step-1: Set the hostname

[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6  server.glpi.com

Step-2: Restart Network Services.
[root@server ~]# service network restart

Step-3: Check Hostname.

[root@localhost ~]# hostname

Further Steps

Step- 4: Install required Packages. Apache-
# yum install httpd httpd-server httpd-devel
# yum install php httpd


# yum install mysql-server mysql-devel
# yum install php-mysql php-mbstring

Step- 5: Start the httpd and mysqld services.

# /etc/init.d/httpd   start
# /etc/init.d/mysqld  start

Step-6: Keep the services chkconfig on after next boot
#chkconfig httpd on
#chkconfig mysqld on

Step-7: Generate mysql root password on server.
[root@localhost ~]# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation

In order to log into MySQL to secure it, we’ll need the current
password for the root user. If you’ve just installed MySQL, and
you haven’t set the root password yet, the password will be blank,
so you should just press enter here
Enter current password for root (enter for none):   (Hit Enter here if not set)
OK, successfully used password, moving on…
Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MySQL
root user without the proper authorisation.
Set root password? [Y/n] y
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables..
… Success!
By default, a MySQL installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone
to log into MySQL without having to have a user account created for
them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation
go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a
production environment.
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
… Success!
Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from ‘localhost’. This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
… Success!
By default, MySQL comes with a database named ‘test’ that anyone can
access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed
before moving into a production environment.
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
– Dropping test database…
… Success!
– Removing privileges on test database…
… Success!
Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
… Success!
Cleaning up…
All done! If you’ve completed all of the above steps, your MySQL
installation should now be secure.
Thanks for using MySQL!

Step-8: Set mysql databse For GLPI
# mysql -u root -p
Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.
mysql> create database glpi;      #we are creating a database
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> grant all privileges on glpi.* to glpi@localhost identified by ‘glpi';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
(Here, we are creating a user named glpi with password and at same time with one command, we are giving glpi user as all priviledges on glpi database.)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit

Step-9:Restart the mysql service.

[root@localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Stopping mysqld:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting mysqld:                                           [  OK  ]

 Download and install glpi

Step-10: Set mysql databse For GLPI.
# cd /var/www/html
# wget https://forge.indepnet.net/attachments/download/1615/glpi-0.84.3.tar.gz

Extract the tarball using command: # tar -zxvf glpi-0.84.3.tar.gz
# cd glpi/
# ll
# chown apache:apache -R files/
# chown apache:apache -R config/

# chmod -R 777 files/
# chmod -R 777 config/

Step-11 :Retstart the httpd service

[root@localhost glpi]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                           [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]

Now install some components to glpi proper functionality

Open web Browser and type URL..

Step 1:Select the language you want  


Step-2 :Click on accept the terms and conditions   


Step-3: Click on install  


Step 4 –:Here , you have to click on continue, but if there is any errors, you will be seen here in red color.And you have to check those errors in case you get.


Step-5:Enter the MySQL credentials such as host-name, user and password and click Continue.    


Step-6:If you have already created a MySQL database it should have listed in the next screen as shown below, else you have to create a new one by clicking on the link Create new database. I have already created a database called ‘glpi’, hence i selected it.Select the database glpi and click on continue  


Step-7:Click Continue.   


Step-8:Installation finished.  


Step-9: Congratulations! We have installed GLPI on our server successfully.


Step-10:Congratulations,Finally, you are ready to use glpi server on web-panel.From here, you can manage glpi. 


Finally, you can use it.In our next article, we will show how to configure glpi , and manage ticketing system for our daily use.I know you will be very eager to know, please have patience.For any query and issue related to this article,please mail us at linux@kvit.in.We will be surely help you out with this.

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  2. IT ticketing software, also known as an IT ticketing system, allows businesses to manage and streamline the process of resolving internal IT support issues.

