Md. Shahzad Alam Md. Shahzad Alam Author
Title: Create Roaming User profile in Samba 4
Author: Md. Shahzad Alam
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A brief Introduction about Roaming Profile Roaming profiles  are user   profiles  which stores on server, that allows users with a co...

A brief Introduction about Roaming Profile

Roaming profiles are user profiles which stores on server, that allows users with a computer joined to a Server (DC) to log on to any computer on the same network and access their profile data from server. This profile is slow than other profile while logon and logoff.  After log off user account all the data switch from client computer to server on user profile.

Configuring Samba 4 Roaming Profiles

Login on samba 4 server with root user and check few things:

Identify running process of samba
[root@server ~]#ps -ef | grep samba

Identify on which ports and interfaces Samba is listening

[root@server ~]#netstat -tunlp | grep samba

Create one or more user in Active directory

Doamin user name: gopal and prabhat
Create a directory called “userprofiles” inside “/” on samba 4 server
[root@server ~]# mkdir /userprofiles

Provide full permission to directory

root@server ~]#chmod 777 /userprofiles

Make an entry of created directory in “smb.conf” file  for sharing purpose among users , where user profile will store on server.

[root@server ~]# vim /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf
path = /userprofiles
read only = no
valid users=  gopal

Now, Restart the samba daemon

[root@server ~]# /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba
[root@server ~]# /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba
[root@server ~]# samba

[root@server ~]# smbcontrol all reload-config

Test now

[root@server ~]# kinit administrator@KVIT.IN

Check the available  shared directory

[root@server ~]# smbclient -L localhost -U%
Domain=[KVIT] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.0pre1-GIT-d098b6c]
Sharename       Type      Comment
———       —-      ——-
netlogon          Disk
sysvol              Disk
userprofiles    Disk
IPC$                 IPC       IPC Service (Samba 4.3.0pre1-GIT-d098b6c)
Domain=[KVIT] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.0pre1-GIT-d098b6c]
Server               Comment
———            ——-
Workgroup       Master

Now go to your windows client machine where you have installed the remote administration tool(AD)for your domain server and define users to whom you want set roaming profile and set the path where user profile will created on server.
Go to run prompt and type dsa.msc  to open Active Directory console and set user profile path.

Now login in to client machine with domain user and check whether user profile is created or not on server and after user logout all user profile will be shift on server.
Login with above define roaming profile on client machine

Now, check the status on server

[root@server ~]# cd /userprofiles/
[root@server userprofiles]# ls

After logout

[root@server userprofiles]# cd gopal.V2/
[root@server gopal.V2]# ls
AppData  Contacts  Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Favorites  Links  Music  NTUSER.DAT  ntuser.ini  Pictures  Saved Games  Searches  Videos

Now, successfully roaming user profile is shifted on server

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